Care Needs

Bright diffused light

Low Humidity: Ideally Above 40%

Intermediate: Lowest 60F

Hoya bilobata (formerly known as Hoya panchoi) is a cute and happy little plant! Its leaves are round and bubbly, and the new leaves are reddish or pink.
The plant grows in a nice, bushy structure. Leaves are soft, firm, and thick when mature, while the new growth is soft and supple. The flower umbels of Hoya bilobata are very small, with each flower being only about 3mm in size.
A Note about Naming: Hoya bilobata IML 228 was first described in 1998. Unlike the regular Hoya bilobata, Hoya panchoi has very consistent leaf size and shape. Its leaves are quite round and look more like Hoya heuschkeloana than Hoya bilobata. Both types of vbilobata come from the Philippines, but from different regions.
Unsolicited Plant Talks
34162 Avenue G, Yucaipa CA 92399
Recreate conditions under a tree canopy, where plants receive lots of light, but it is filtered through the foliage of the trees above. Your light should be bright enough to cast soft shadows.
This Hoya tolerates a drier environment. However, it could still benefit from light humidity care, including misting and grouping together with other houseplants. May require humidifier in cooler, drier months.
This hoya does not require high heat, but does not tolerate cold as well as other varieties.
This plant has evolved to shift color when exposed to bright sunlight, much like a human getting a tan. This does not harm the plant with proper care.