Care Needs

Bright Light

High Humidity: Above 60%

Loves Heat: Lowest 70F/21C

The Hoya buntokensis species was discovered by Abdul Lalang in Buntok, Kalimantan in Indonesia. The name "buntokensis" is derived from the location of its discovery. The plant was scientifically described by Sri Rahayu & Michele Rodda and published in Blumea 66, 237, in the year 2021.
Environmental Requirements
Unique Features
What sets Hoya buntokensis apart is not just its striking physical features, but also its specialized adaptations like the formation of megadomatia. It's truly a unique find in the botanical world!
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34162 Avenue G, Yucaipa CA 92399
No barrier between the plant and the light source. Ex: Directly under a grow light, in a sunny window with no curtains or trees.
Will benefit from high humidity care. Will likely require humidifiers, daily misting, grouping with other plants, and more.
This hoya does not do well in cold conditions, so be sure to keep in a greenhouse or other temperature controlled space.
This plant has evolved to shift color when exposed to bright sunlight, much like a human getting a tan. This does not harm the plant with proper care.