Care Needs


Low Humidity: Ideally Above 40%

Intermediate: Lowest 60F

Hoya sp. aff. vitellina comes from Java. It's a very strong and healthy plant that grows quickly. The leaves are long and tough with dark purple edges and beautiful bright veins. When the leaves are in the sun, they turn a rich red color.
The flowers are orange-gold, shaped like stars, and are about 12mm wide. They have a white center and up to 20 flowers can be on one bunch. They smell nice, but not too strong.
Unsolicited Plant Talks
34162 Avenue G, Yucaipa CA 92399
Recreate a dense forest environment. Very little, if any, direct sunlight should hit the plant at any time of the day.
This Hoya tolerates a drier environment. However, it could still benefit from light humidity care, including misting and grouping together with other houseplants. May require humidifier in cooler, drier months.
This hoya does not require high heat, but does not tolerate cold as well as other varieties.
This plant will not change color under bright light.