An In-Depth Exploration of Hoya 'Elephant' (AH027): A Comprehensive Guide

Written by: April Mall
Last Update: September 20, 2023
Tagged:Plant Education

Hoya 'Elephant' (AH027)

Table of Contents

Greetings, plant enthusiasts and scholars. I am April from Unsolicited Plant Talks. If you prefer a video version of this blog, you can watch it by clicking this link. Today, we shall delve into the intricate details of the Hoya 'Elephant' (AH 027) cultivar. This particular cultivar offers a fascinating blend of aesthetic appeal and botanical intrigue, making it a worthy subject for any horticulturalist. Let us proceed to examine its various aspects.

Origin and Lineage

Northern Thailand Mountains

The Hoya 'Elephant' (AH 027) originates from Thailand and is an open-pollinated seedling. This means that its parentage remains unknown, adding an element of mystery to its existence. The "AH" in AH 027 is an accession number prefix used by AH Hoya Nursery for cataloging purposes. Intriguingly, there is a circulating rumor that the seedling may have initially originated from Patcharawalai Garden. AH Hoya Nursery reportedly obtained the plant from Patcharawalai Garden and subsequently added their own accession number for tracking, as the plant did not possess an official name. It is important to note that as of the current date, this information has not been verified, so readers are advised to exercise caution in accepting this as fact.

Growth Characteristics

Hoya 'Elephant' (AH027 )

The Hoya 'Elephant' (AH 027) has shown remarkable growth in a relatively short period. Within a year and a half, it has matured into a "mother plant," which serves as the primary source for cuttings to propagate additional plants. The specimen is housed in a five-gallon pot and utilizes a bamboo trellis for structural support. This trellis acts as a scaffold, aiding the plant in its vertical growth. To further enhance the plant's stability and ease of care, we also employ specialized plant clips. These clips offer additional support by securing stray vines to the trellis, ensuring a more organized growth pattern. The use of plant clips not only makes it easier to maneuver and tame the vines but also facilitates better air circulation and light exposure, optimizing the plant's overall health as we wait for it to grow.

Foliage Description

Hoya AH027 foliage

The leaves of the Hoya 'Elephant' (AH 027) are a defining feature, characterized by their substantial size and occasional color variations. These leaves are not merely large; they are exceptionally so, often capturing immediate attention. The foliage may also exhibit splashes of different hues, adding to its visual appeal.

Soil Requirements

 coco husk and coco coir mix

In terms of care, the Hoya 'Elephant' (AH 027) is classified as an epiphyte, meaning it requires a well-aerated growing medium and does not tolerate prolonged water saturation. The soil should be light and porous to facilitate proper drainage and aeration. To meet these needs, we use a blend of coco husk and coco coir, adjusting the ratio of coir based on the plant's specific water requirements. This mix has proven to be highly effective, and all of our plants thrive in it. For those interested, this specialized growing medium is available for purchase in our store.

Support Mechanisms

Support trellis for Hoya AH027

For younger specimens of Hoya 'Elephant' (AH 027), it is advisable to provide some form of structural support, such as a trellis or stake. This support encourages the plant to produce larger leaves by providing stability, thereby preventing potential damage due to the weight of the foliage.

Final Thoughts

Hoya 'Elephant' (AH027) flowers

In conclusion, the Hoya 'Elephant' (AH 027) presents a compelling blend of aesthetic allure and horticultural interest. Its mysterious origins, robust growth, and striking foliage make it a noteworthy addition to any plant collection, whether you are a seasoned horticulturalist or a novice in the field.

Thank you for joining me in this scholarly exploration. Until our next botanical journey, may your thumbs remain ever green.

April Mall

Founder of UPT, fell in love with Hoyas right after acquiring her first Hoya 'Sunrise'. Sharing her love for plants with the world through high quality houseplants

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